Tuesday, July 31, 2012

New Year Resolutions, Target and Container Store Haul and so much more!!

This new school year I would like to...
1. Stay organized! I have such a hard time using the tools that I have created and keeping organized.
2. Stay on top of my planning and not plan the night before. Last year was understandable, I was hired two days before school started originally as English then was told on the first day of school I was switched to History.
3. Be more visible in school. I usually sat in my classroom pouring over curriculum or taking a nap (don't judge me!). I want to spend more time in the teacher lounge with my co-workers.
4. Attend school events. I never even went to a football game last year because a) it was in SE DC...not the safest after dark and b) I was just so tired after school that I literally couldn't wait to get home to sleep. 
Today I did some massive shopping at Target and Container Store.  I am not a fan of shopping, at all. Especially when it comes to clothes shopping. I am not exactly an obese person but I am not a pixie either. It is just very frustrating. Anyways, I went school shopping! I still have yet to find clothespins to make my "No Name" hanger. The boyfriend and I are also working hard on fixing up our tiny apartment. We bought a new lamp and priced a desk for me(!!!!!!!!!): 
Super Cute, amirite?!

I like there are two cubbies that I can put my printer and a cute fabric/wood box in.
Now onto the school supplies, which we all wanted to see anyways :-p: 
For each cluster of desk. Will have highlighters, stapler, post-its, note cards and pens, pencils and markers.

For my desk, week day folders (all lesson materials for the week in each folder)

For department and staff meetings.

Possibly for student/parent contact. It was a dollar, I will figure out a use for it lol.

Precious sunflower magnets.

Mini staplers! for the boxes.

Cutter, glitter, craft stick, lightbulb and ink.
I clearly have a lot more shopping to do, but I am going to try to hold off until I go down to FL in a few weeks. I should find more inexpensive items down there.

How about everyone else? What have you purchased? What do you need to purchase?

Monday, July 30, 2012

Blog Hop!

Let's see if this works...

1.  what state you are in: I live in the District of Columbia so I technically don't live in a state! :-p
2.  your current teaching position: 9th grade English Teacher
3.  your teaching experience: Last year I taught in a Title 1 High School English and World History
4.  when you started blogging: I start blogging at the beginning of this year strictly as a cooking blog. This summer I felt like I really needed to branch out and blog more about my real passion, teaching.
 5.  share a blogging tip / blogging resource: Try to update at least every other day if not every day! Keeps the people interested in your blog. :)

Sunday, July 29, 2012

New Blog...

I have decided to switch my blog from cooking blog to a teaching blog. I would really like to be able to post pictures and ideas on this blog about my classroom and what the kiddies are doing. I want to become more crafty and innovative this year since I am moving into a new/nicer school then Spingarn. As much as I will miss the kids, I won't miss that disgusting building. Wilson has been coming renovated and is one of the best in D.C. I am so very excited to start my new school year teaching a new subject (English)! I am sure that I will continue to incorporate cooking into this blog (hello cookies!) as well as some fashion/fitness tips. If I even have anymore readers, is there anything in particular you guys want to see?