This new school year I would like to...
1. Stay organized! I have such a hard time using the tools that I have created and keeping organized.
2. Stay on top of my planning and not plan the night before. Last year was understandable, I was hired two days before school started originally as English then was told on the first day of school I was switched to History.
3. Be more visible in school. I usually sat in my classroom pouring over curriculum or taking a nap (don't judge me!). I want to spend more time in the teacher lounge with my co-workers.
4. Attend school events. I never even went to a football game last year because a) it was in SE DC...not the safest after dark and b) I was just so tired after school that I literally couldn't wait to get home to sleep.
Super Cute, amirite?! |
I like there are two cubbies that I can put my printer and a cute fabric/wood box in. |
Now onto the school supplies, which we all wanted to see anyways :-p:
For each cluster of desk. Will have highlighters, stapler, post-its, note cards and pens, pencils and markers. |
For my desk, week day folders (all lesson materials for the week in each folder) |
For department and staff meetings. |
Possibly for student/parent contact. It was a dollar, I will figure out a use for it lol. |
Precious sunflower magnets. |
Mini staplers! for the boxes. |
Cutter, glitter, craft stick, lightbulb and ink. |
I clearly have a lot more shopping to do, but I am going to try to hold off until I go down to FL in a few weeks. I should find more inexpensive items down there.
How about everyone else? What have you purchased? What do you need to purchase?