Monday, July 30, 2012

Blog Hop!

Let's see if this works...

1.  what state you are in: I live in the District of Columbia so I technically don't live in a state! :-p
2.  your current teaching position: 9th grade English Teacher
3.  your teaching experience: Last year I taught in a Title 1 High School English and World History
4.  when you started blogging: I start blogging at the beginning of this year strictly as a cooking blog. This summer I felt like I really needed to branch out and blog more about my real passion, teaching.
 5.  share a blogging tip / blogging resource: Try to update at least every other day if not every day! Keeps the people interested in your blog. :)


  1. I found you through the New Bloggers Blog Hop. I too and switching to English this year for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. I look forward to seeing what you post this year.

    Being Elementary in Middle School

  2. Thanks so much. I am so glad I am finally getting some traffic. I am going to start posting more about curriculum in the upcoming weeks as I start to focus on that this weekend :) Welcome to the English Department!

