Friday, August 10, 2012

Panic Mode - Activate!

WARNING: this a freak out post! If you aren't interested in the inner-workings of my convoluted mind, don't read on!

So I totally had a panic attack during my nap this afternoon. I had a dream that it was the first day of school and EVERYTHING was going wrong. The kids wouldn't listen to me, I wasn't prepared, and my classroom was in the gym that I shared with 4 other teachers. I started hyperventilating in my sleep. I have tried to make contact with my partner for our Unit 2 plan but she hasn't returned any of my emails. My department chair emailed all of us today and said to bring a copy of our work for our in-service days (20-24th). I have next to nothing on my unit plan because I have no idea what my partner is doing.

I feel like I am failing before I have even started.

Has anyone else felt this way before? I am moving to a new subject area this year which is might be the cause of my anxiety. I wish I felt more prepared!

Please tell me I am not the only one!!


  1. Oh yes! You know school is about to start when you have the dreaded "school disaster" dreams. No one realizes what we go through to get ready for school to start. You are not crazy! This too shall pass!

    Teaching with Moxie

    1. Thanks Diane. I sucks so badly! I just want it to get it done and over with!


  2. I feel the same way. After teaching kindergarten for the last three years, I'm going to be teaching 4th. Anxiety about pretty much everything. :-) I'm your newest follower.

    Tales From Rm 17!
