Sunday, August 5, 2012

Show Me Sunday

I am joining up with 3-6 Resources this Sunday for "Show Me Sunday" focusing on time fillers. I try to never have left over time in my classes but sometimes crap happens, right? When that happens I rely on a few back-ups to fill in that time wisely. This is geared towards 9th-12th graders but I am sure they can be scaffolded for younger classes.

1. Whip Around. Starting at a corner, each student has to state something new and interesting they learned from the class. No one can repeat what someone else said.

2. Facebook Status Updates: Students chose a character from the reading today and create a facebook status for that character.

3. Reflective Journals. Part of their portfolios, students write reflective journals about what was discussed in class and any remaining questions.

That's it! I also have a small announcement: I am bringing my laptop in for service tomorrow at Apple and I don't know if they are going to take my baby from me for a few days. If so, don't freak out if I disappear for a while.

Join in with the linky! I can't wait to see what you all have to share :)

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